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Wellness Meditations

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How to Meditate

There are many courses that will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to meditate properly to gain the most from this exciting practice that has helped millions of people around the world.

The Free Introduction course offered below, takes a unique approach and will give you an insight into everything related to meditation, mindfulness, thought patterns, and activities to guide you on your wellness journey.

 Meditations &Courses

  • 6-Week Introduction to Meditation Course

Complementary 6 Session Meditation Course

Single Meditation Sessions for Clarity

Relaxing 15-Minute Meditation to meet your Guardian Angel

Do you yearn for guidance and support? This 15-minute grounding video is your invitation to connect with your very own guardian angel.

I'll guide you through a calming meditation to the Fifth Dimension that will help you:

Relax your mind and body

Feel a deep sense of peace and grounding

Open yourself to the presence of your guardian angel

Let this be your haven for 15 minutes. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and get ready to meet your celestial guide.


Healing Space Meditation

Relax into a calming 14-minute meditation with Theta Binaural Beats for the last 7 minutes.


Heart-Breath Meditation

The Heart-breath meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on the breath and the heart. It is a way to connect with your inner peace and compassion. It will help to reduce stress and anxiety. When you focus on your breath, you are grounding yourself in the present moment. This can help to reduce the negative effects of stress and anxiety, allowing you to make clear decisions tapping into your intuition.

  • Guided 15 minute Meditation to meet your Guardian Angel

    Do you yearn for guidance and support?  This 15-minute grounding video is your invitation to connect with your very own guardian angel.

    I'll guide you through a calming meditation to the Fifth Dimension that will help you:

    Relax your mind and body

    Feel a deep sense of peace and grounding

    Open yourself to the presence of your guardian angel

    Let this be your haven for 15 minutes. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and get ready to meet your celestial guide.

    Click above to access this free meditation to contact your Angels

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this course worth it?

    There is an enormous benefit to learning how to manage  stress and anxiety naturally. Temporary solutions and distractions will not help you in the long term. Your investment in a more natural stress management program to calm your mind, establishes a foundation for your  long term growth and success.

  • How do I know this program will work for me?

    Swan Spirit Meditations are an evidence-based practice. Studies by Harvard Researchers show that Research shows meditation practices lead to greater emotional regulation abilities. Mindfulness can help people become more aware of thoughts in the present moment, and this increased self-awareness leads to better processing and control over one's responses to surroundings or circumstances. It is very likely it will work for you!

  • How can I fit this into my schedule / maintain a meditation practice?

    It may seem hard to fit meditation into your schedule, but scientific research shows that time spent in meditation makes you MORE productive by increasing your brain’s alertness and mental resilience. All the programs are easy to implement in your schedule and has fast and noticeable results. Once you have felt the benefits, you won’t want to stop!

Reach out to our skilled team members to request a health and wellness or meditation session booking.

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